Vitamin B plays an important part in the normal functioning of our bodies. However, compared to some of the more talked-about vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin D, many of us lack knowledge about the key vitamin B benefits. So what is vitamin B, and what exactly is it good for? Let’s take a look…
There’s not a single answer to ‘what is vitamin B?’, as there are many different types of vitamin B. Referred to as vitamin B complex, the eight B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12), each contribute to the conversion of our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energised throughout the day.
If you’ve been told that you have a vitamin B deficiency, or simply want to include more vitamin B it in your diet, you may be interested in the exact function of each of the 8 types of B vitamin, as well as finding out what foods contain vitamin B so you can get more of it into your diet.
The answer to ‘what is vitamin B good for?’ depends on the specific type of vitamin B you’re taking. Read on to learn more about the different vitamin B benefits.
Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is important for converting carbohydrates into energy, providing us with steady energy throughout the day. Thiamine also helps with nerve and muscle function by regulating the flow of electrolytes in and out of the muscles.
What foods contain vitamin B1?
This type of vitamin B can be found in nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds and macadamia nuts, as well as soybeans, marmite, and trout.
How much vitamin B1 do I need?
The average male adult requires 1mg of thiamine each day, while females need 0.8mg.
What is vitamin B2 good for? Vitamin B2 is also known as riboflavin and helps the body to break down essential nutrients from protein, carbohydrates, and fat, which helps the body maintain an energy supply to muscles.
Vitamin B2 is also important for red blood cell production. We are unable to store this type of vitamin B in the body, so B2 must be consumed every day to ensure an adequate intake.
What foods contain vitamin B2?
How much vitamin B2 do I need?
Adult men need approximately 1.3mg of vitamin B2 per day, and adult women require about 1.1mg per day.
This vitamin has several important functions, including helping the body to metabolise fat, glucose and alcohol, as well as maintaining good levels and reducing bad levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.
What foods contain vitamin B3?
How much vitamin B3 do I need?
For adult men, the daily requirement of vitamin B3 is approximately 17mg; for adult women, it’s 13mg.
Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, helps to release energy from the food that we eat, oxidising fatty acids and carbohydrates, as well as helping in the formation of red blood cells. It is thought that correct levels of vitamin B5 reduce stress, by ensuring the correct functioning of the adrenal glands.
What foods contain vitamin B5?
Like vitamin B2, vitamin B5 cannot be stored in the body, so it must be included in our diet each day. Enjoy these vitamin B benefits by consuming foods such as:
How much vitamin B5 do I need?
The recommended daily allowance of vitamin B5 for adult men is 17mg, and 13mg for women.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)’s main function is as a co-enzyme in the metabolism of amino acids, glucose, and lipids. Vitamin B6 also helps with the production of red blood cells, liver detoxification, and the development and proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.
What foods contain vitamin B6?
Vitamin B6 is available in many food sources, so is really easy to include in our diets. The best sources of B6 include:
It’s easy to start enjoying vitamin B benefits if these are foods you regularly eat.
How much vitamin B6 do I need?
On average, an adult male requires 1.4mg of vitamin B6 each day, and an adult female requires 1.2mg.
Vitamin B7’s functions include the contributes to healthy hair and skin, as well as playing a role in the metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.
Some dieticians suggest that people don’t need to make an effort to consume B6 in their diets, as it is quite prevalent in a balanced diet.
What foods contain vitamin B7?
How much vitamin B7 do I need?
However, the recommended daily allowance is 30-50 micrograms in the UK for the average adult.
Vitamin B9 or folic acid helps with the formation of red blood cells and is recommended especially in pregnancy, as it reduces the risk of central nervous system defects in unborn babies.
What foods contain vitamin B9?
Folic acid cannot be stored in the body, but is easily consumed in vegetables such as;
How much vitamin B9 do I need?
Adults require approximately 0.2mg of vitamin B9 each day. It is recommended to increase this dose for pregnant women; however, we’d always suggest seeking the advice of a healthcare professional before doing so. Read more about the recommended vitamins for pregnancy.
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is important for the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, as well as the production of blood cells. It works in conjunction with vitamin B9 to help make red blood cells and aid the absorption of iron. In fact, you’ll find all three of these ingredients in our Iron, B9 & B12 liquid supplements, as they work so effectively together.
What foods contain vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 is available naturally through:
Although you might want to boost your levels with a vitamin B12 supplement.
Vegetarians and vegans in particular may find it difficult to consume enough vitamin B12, as this type of diet restricts them from eating foods rich in this vitamin. Our liquid vitamin B12 formula is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and uses liposomal technology to deliver maximum vitamin absorption.
How much vitamin B12 do I need?
The amount of vitamin B12 that adults require each day is less than many other B vitamins – between 1.5 micrograms and 2.4 micrograms is the recommended dose for adults.
Sometimes, for whatever reason, we cannot get enough of the essential vitamins in our diet. When this happens, or when someone has a vitamin B deficiency, it’s recommended to take supplements to help get these important vitamins into our body.
At Nutrivitality, we have a wide range of liposomal supplements, including vitamin B12, and our Iron, B9 & B12 formula. These liquid vitamin supplements use our NutriProtect liposomal technology, which protects essential nutrients in liposomes (a kind of ‘life jacket’) to ensure they remain as intact as possible when travelling through the digestive system. This means you’re better able to get maximum vitamin B benefits than with traditional pill-based vitamins.
Shop our full range of liquid vitamin supplements.